Çuval eylemi gerçekleştiren TGB: 'İzmir polisi ABD'li makamlarla iş birliği yaptı'


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Çuval eylemi gerçekleştiren TGB: 'İzmir polisi ABD'li makamlarla iş birliği yaptı'
ABD'li bir askerin başına çuval geçirilmesi eylemine iştirak ettikten sonra tutuklananlar arasında yer alan, Türkiye Gençlik Birliği'nin (TGB) Genel Başkanı Kayahan Çetin Euronews Türkçe'ye konuştu.
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Ensuring your animal's oral hygiene clean is crucial for their general wellness. Selecting the right companion oral cleaner is essential for successful teeth cleaning. Look for toothbrushes that are specifically designed for companions, with gentle fibers and ergonomic designs. Finger brushes are great for reaching tricky places and giving more precision during cleaning. Two-sided cleaners permit you to clean the upper and lower teeth concurrently. Ponder utilizing a pet-safe toothpaste to enhance the effectiveness of your brushing process. Consistent brushing can stop dental deposits, periodontal issues, and halitosis. It's a simple and efficient way to maintain your animal's dental health and general wellness. By picking the ideal companion oral cleaner, you can guarantee your companion receives excellent teeth cleaning and remains fit and happy.
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